Composition of Circuit Youth and Young Adults' Commission - St. Kitts Circuit
The Circuit Youth and Young Adults' Commission consists of all youth and young adults organizations. The Commission absorbs all groups catering to young people between the ages of 12 and 35 years old. These may include Youth Fellowships, Youth Choirs, Young Adult Groups, Young Adult Choirs, Youth Drama Groups. Where there are Girls' Brigade and Boys' Brigade Companies, if there is not a Children’s Commission in the Circuit, these groups can become a part of the Youth and Young Adults' Commission.
The Youth and Young Adults' Commission is made of the following:
A Chairperson elected by representatives
A Secretary elected by representatives
A Minister appointed by the Circuit
The Presidents of each Youth and Young Adult group of each congregation in the Circuit.
One other representative from the Youth and Young Adult groups from each congregation.
Between two (2) to six (6) persons who do not have membership in any of the groups aforementioned, elected by the Circuit Organizations and Education Committee.
To work in close collaboration with the various Youth and Young Adults organizations in the Circuit in order to provide opportunities for Methodist youth and young adults to develop their potential, to encourage their full participation in the social and religious activities of the Methodist Church and to promote Christian witness and discipleship among young people.
To encourage and enable the various Youth and Young Adults organizations to develop varied and relevant programmes that would deepen the personal commitment of all youths and young adults to Christ and His Church, enrich home and family life and sensitize them to the new and emerging factors which impact young people and their families and empower them to cope with these factors.
To develop annual social projects which address a major social issue of particular relevance to young people.
To be the local executive of the Youths and Young Adults in the Connexional area.
To liaise with other youths and young adults' organizations and agencies, locally and regionally, in promoting the welfare of young people.
To collaborate with other Circuit Commissions in promoting joint programmes and projects for the enrichment of family, community and church life.
To appoint its own officers and determine its mode of operation within the framework of established practices in the Church.
Executive for year 2019-2021
Lay Youth Secretary: MS. Tiffany Liburd
Lay Youth Secretary/President: Ms. Tronnicia Flanders (study)
Secretary: Ms. Trudella Spencer
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. Sven Caines
Assistant Treasurer: Ms. Dezarnelle Hodge
Assisting with Public Relations Officer (P. R.O.) - Mrs. Sonia Boddie-Thompson
The next MCCA Youth Encuentro will be held in Bahamas, in 2023.