Composition of Circuit Women's Commission - St. Kitts Circuit
The Circuit Women Commission consists of all women's organizations or groups catering to women, ages 18 years and over. These may include: Women Leagues, Women Fellowships, Women Groups
The Circuit Women's Commission is made up of the following:
A Chairperson elected by representatives
A Secretary elected by representatives
A Minister appointed by the Circuit
The Presidents of Women Organizations of each congregation in the Circuit.
One other representative from the Woman Organization from each congregation.
Not less than two nor more than six persons who do not have membership in any of the groups aforesaid, elected by the Circuit Organizations and Education Committee.
To work in close collaboration with the various Women Organizations in the Circuit in order to provide opportunities for Methodist women to develop their potential, to encourage their full participation in the social and religious activities of the Methodist Church and to promote Christian witness and discipleship among women.
To encourage and enable the various women's organizations to develop varied and relevant programmes that would deepen the personal commitment of all women to Christ and His Church, enrich home and family life and sensitize them to the new and emerging factors which impact upon women and the family and empower them to cope with these factors.
To develop annual social projects which address a major social issue of particular relevance to women.
To be the local executive of the women in the Connexional Area.
To liaise with other women organizations and agencies, locally and regionally, in promoting the welfare of women.
To collaborate with other Circuit Commissions in jointly promoting programmes and projects for the enrichment of family, community and church life.
To appoint its own officers and determine its mode of operation within the framework of established practices in the Church.
Executive for year 2022-2024
President: Sis. Andrea Liddie
Vice President: Sis. Jennifer Hensley
Secretary: Sis. Ionie Knight
Treasurer: Sis. Nicole Gumbs
Public Relations Officer: Sis. Talibah Byron