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Pastoral Letter - 9th January 2022

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Every year, as the Church observes the baptism of our Lord around this time, we are challenged to remember the vows we made at our own (if were adults when we were baptized) or on the behalf of those who could not answer for themselves (infants). Author Ronald Rolheiser in his, “The Holy Longing”, reminds us that baptism is closely tied to the Greek word for church which literally means to “be called out of.” Exactly what are we called out of? Rolheiser posits that we are called out of our normal agendas, not just once, but continually. Touched by the Divine in the waters of baptism our lives are liberated to become lives of “self-renouncing love” as his “beloved children”.

Today, the Leeward Islands District begins its 216th Annual Session and its 1st Virtual District Council based on the decision taken in the District Conference 2021 to host District Councils virtually. The theme for the triennium, “Trusting God Through Difficult Times: Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities”, will guide our deliberations. During the Council, among other things, we will continue to wrestle with the impact of Covid-19 and the Church’s ministries in the “new normal”, its relevancy and sustainability. We also hope to accept into “full connexion” those duly processed, “process” probationers with a view to advance them one year in their studies, and receive as a Candidate for Ministry, Bro. Kevington Pemberton.

As the “baptized”, your prayerful support is being asked for the Officers and Members of this District and for the other seven Districts as they convene in their respective Sessions/Councils over the next few weeks, and for the wider membership of Christ’s Church.

Have a blessed week!

Your pastor and friend,

Mark S. Christmas

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