Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,
On this final Sunday in February I will focus on MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day.
What is MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day? MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day is a celebration that has been taking place in the Methodist church for at least 15 years. Within the Leeward Islands District this celebration usually takes place annually on the last or 4th Friday in February.
How is it celebrated? It is celebrated in various ways throughout the various circuits within the Leeward Islands District. As we are aware, in some circuits the men celebrate it as just a day. In others, it either commences or climaxes a week of activities organized by the Circuit Men’s Commission if there is one or the men generally, where there is no Circuit Men’s Commission. Still in other circuits the entire month of February may be celebrated as Men’s Month and activities are planned throughout the month.
During the morning of MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day the men in the various congregations or from around the circuit would take an active part in the morning worship service. This would include being the liturgist and in some cases being the preacher. Usually an Order of Service is prepared by the District Men’s Commission and approved by the District Conference to be used by the Circuits within the District. As part of the service a letter from the President of the District Men’s Commission is usually read and a special offering is collected towards Men’s Ministry within the circuits and the district. In the afternoon, some circuits would hold a concert, a rally, a seminar or some kind of men’s gathering.
How has it benefited the church? This celebration has helped to enhance men’s ministry as men are motivated to come together to prepare for this service annually. Even in congregations where there are no active men’s groups the men will unite in preparing for and participating in this service. This celebration has also enhanced outreach in the community by our men’s groups. Another way in which it has benefited our church is that some of the men who were recruited to deliver the sermon on MCCA Men’s Lords day who were not yet Local Preachers have since answered the call to become Local Preachers. Happy Men’s Lord’s Day today to all the men. Remember God is still calling men as he called Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8), Jeremiah 4:-10) and many others. Will you answer God’s call on your life today?
Love and best wishes to your wonderful family, from my family and myself.
Yours in Christ
Tyrone Hunkins