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Pastoral Letter - 24th October, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Last year St. Kitts and Nevis, along with the other seven territories that use the Eastern Caribbean (E.C.) dollar, celebrated ‘Financial Literacy Month’ during the month of October, The theme was “Manage your Money…Live your dreams.” As a reminder the concern then was over the ‘impact of a worsening global economic and financial climate’. I urged you in my pastoral letter at that time, to exercise discipline in your spending considering that we were facing the threat of the Covid19.

This year The area of focus for 2021 is “Innovation in the face of Financial Adversity-Respond ! Recover! Rise!”

The activities for the month focus on three sub themes, namely:

  1. Let’s Get Digital: Equipping yourself for the digital way of life - This addresses the fact that due to the COVID-19 pandemic many of us were forced into dependence to access some of our needs by digital means. We have become a more ‘digital Society’. Whether we like it or not we were forced to conduct online banking and to pay our bill online. Some of us have had to learn to make greater use of our tablets , cell phones and other electronic devices.

  2. Make saving, budgeting and investing a habit for a more comfortable tomorrowThis would have addressed innovative ways to manage the financial resources especially in light of the Covid19 pandemic. This includes learning how to get involved in the various forms of investments and embarking upon a retirement plan.

  3. Minding your business: How your small business can stay afloat in tough times – This focuses on helping small businesses affected by the Covid19 pandemic to stay afloat by adapting or maintaining certain fundamental business principles or practices, adapting and being innovative and making use of funding and other options.

As you continue to struggle to stay afloat in your personal or business life or both, take time out to pray and to plan ahead, to find innovative ways to survive with the help and wisdom of God. Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to want.” Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. ‘ With God as your shepherd he will provide all your needs according to his riches in glory. You will respond wisely, recover well and rise to higher heights.

Happy Financial Literacy month as you.

Love and best wishes to your wonderful family, from my family and myself.

Yours in Christ

Tyrone Hunkins,Rev.

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