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Pastoral Letter - 20th September 2020

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The peace of the Risen Christ be with you!

This month is not only the beginning of months for the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas but also that of the Epworth/Maurice Hillier Memorial Junior School. It is not simply the start of the Academic Year, 2020-2021. Records show that the School opened its doors sixty-seven (67) years ago on 21st September, 1953 with about thirty-five (35) pupils. Turning out hundreds of children over the years, today the School boasts over two hundred students, even now amid Covid-19.

Of course, we would not be naïve to think that to reach this milestone was smooth sailing. Far be it. The School has had its fair share of issues - financial obligations met despite the non-payment of fees and a low fee structure, limited space highlighted by a growing student population, periods of high staff turnovers coupled with low salaries, complaints from all quarters and near closures. The School remains grateful to the many stakeholders who have given their support over the years to keep the School’s doors open. Let me, on the behalf of the Board Management, hasten to encourage you, where possible, to utilize the special envelopes earmarked for the School in your box of envelopes by October 2020.

Yes, the faithfulness and mercies of God in Christ has shone through these sixty-seven (67) years. “To God be glory!” Happy 67th Anniversary!

Your pastor and friend,

Mark S Christmas

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