Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
As far as my memory serves me, the month of June has always been designated as Family Month. Despite this, sometimes Family month is celebrated within the period between Mother’s Day in May and Father’s Day, which we celebrate today, in the month of June. Whatever the variations may have been, it is important to celebrate the family.
But what is a family? Most definitions describe a family as a fundamental group in society, which consists of two parents and their children. However, as pointed out in an article I read, this will exclude some modern family structures. An alternative and more inclusive definition is, “two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another and reside usually in the same dwelling”. Whatever, may be our definition of the family, I think we can all agree that the family is a fundamental unit in our society and is worthy of celebration.
John Wooden said, “The most important thing in the world is family and love.” This quotation highlights the importance of the family. Due to the Covid19 or the Corona Virus pandemic, last year and this year we have been unable to celebrate Family Month in the usual way. Despite this, let us embrace our present reality and seek to find creative ways of celebrating the family by virtual means where possible. Let us, especially acknowledge our fathers on this Father’s Day. They are the head of the homes, designated by God. Let us use our creativity to make them feel special, especially since the present situation does not allow for us to go on our regular shopping, for the occasion.
Let us all celebrate Family month among our own family by spending more time with each other at home, especially now during the lock down. Let us find time both to pray together, and to play together, to reflect on our family failures and successes and to make the necessary adjustments to enhance family life. Let us acknowledge the value of our family by deliberately searching for something positive to celebrate in each family member.
Let us make this month an occasion to celebrate our wonderful family.
Happy Family month to you and your family and Happy Father’s Day to all fathers.
Love and best wishes to your wonderful family, from my family and myself.
Yours in Christ
Tyrone Hunkins