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Pastoral Letter - 18th September, 2022

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Peace of the Lord be with you!

I join with the “citizens, residents and visitors to our shores” of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis in celebrating the 39th Anniversary of Independence under the theme, “Refocus, Re-Create, Redesign: Independence 39”. “To God be the glory!”

Again, Scripture guides us in our celebration. A glance at the Epistle for today continues with Paul’s letter to young Pastor Timothy as he prepares to take up his appointment in Ephesus. Paul urges Timothy to undergird his ministry with prayer, starting with praying for everyone, inclusive of “kings and all who are in high positions” (1 Tim. 2:1-2). He debunks the myth that being in “high positions” guaranteed persons a place in the kingdom of heaven. Of course, the same can be said of persons in “low positions”. For Paul, the church is made up of persons who have been re-created and transformed by the grace of God in Christ, no matter their status in life (v 3). Believing in Jesus results in refocused lives and renewed and redesigned conditions of people and societies.

For us as Christians then, the theme of this the 39th Anniversary of Independence could only make only sense in the light of the good news of Jesus. May our celebrations be undergirded with an attitude of prayer as we engage in praying for all persons! Further, may our prayers be translated into sustainable actions for the good of society!

My colleagues and our families join me in praying for you a “Happy Independence!”

Your pastor and friend

Mark S. Christmas

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