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Pastoral Letter - 15th May, 2022

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Peace of the Risen Christ be with you!

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022, I had opportunity to witness with others the Thanksgiving Service and internment for the life of the late Rev’d Dr. Claude L. Cadogan, 2nd Connexional Secretary (1970-1972) and 2nd Connexional President (1972-1977), affectionally known as “Uncle Claude”. Having been called to his eternal reward in Jamaica in August 2021, the date of his Thanksgiving Service was no coincidence as it was the day of his birth in 1915. Yes, the late Rev. Dr. Cadogan was 106 years of age at his death.

“Why the delay?” Among his many gifts, Dr. Cadogan was an amateur draughtsman who designed many a church building and manse around the Caribbean, one of which was the Wesley Methodist Church in his native Belize. It was at the said Church that the Service was held. However, of interest is the fact that his ashes were interred under the floor in a crypt upon the request of Dr. Cadogan, now deceased. Covid-19 prevented this from happening sooner.

Dr. Cadogan also designed the Conference Crest of the MCCA, the Connexional President’s badge of office and the District President’s stole of office for the various Districts. As we continue our celebration of Methodist heritage, we give God thanks for persons like Uncle Claude. Yet, we recognize heritage does not relate to the past alone but to the present and the future as well. For us who remain, who are the inheritors, the challenge is for us to use our God-given gifts to “serve the present age” so that ‘those who come behind us may find us faithful’.

Have a creative week in Jesus!

Your pastor and friend,

Mark S. Christmas

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