Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The Peace of the Lord be with you!
The Academic Year, 2021-2022, has begun. Students and teachers are back in the classroom albeit amid the prevailing situation of Covid-19. School life has not been and, perhaps will never be, the same. It calls for adaptation at all levels in the face of present realities. We note the struggles for all stakeholders to “keep up” but are thankful for where we are now as we make the adjustments. Our prayers are continued for all stakeholders, mindful of the struggles of others in countries around the world.
In a similar vein, the Connexional Year, 2021-2022, has also begun. Worship services are continuing although at reduced capacity and some have adapted a blended approach. Groups and organizations should have already made plans to restart or have already restarted. I note with interest the hesitation where church related activities are concerned. Mindful of the pandemic, how we proceed in the work of the Church is paramount, but proceed, we must.
On a different note, while not unique to us, on the 16th September every year, the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis celebrates National Heroes Day. It is a day set aside to celebrate the noble achievements of persons, dead and alive, who have had the honour formally bestowed upon them by a country. Heroes are often defined as ‘persons of distinguished courage or ability, who are admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities.’ Presently, all our heroes are, or have been, politicians, however, the good thing is that a hero can be anyone. Pop star, Mariah Carey, in her song, “Hero” tells us that a hero lies in us. It is important to note though, that people should not go out of their way to be called a hero. In fact, true heroes do not call attention to themselves. Many persons are termed unsung heroes” simply because their country never formally acknowledged them. Jesus challenges us that if any wants to be great, they must first become the servant of all, and he led by example. Let me hasten to say, while some may be tempted to see Jesus as a “hero” or “superhero”, those are not terms associated with him.
Have a blessed week in Jesus!
Your pastor and friend
Mark S. Christmas