Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
To all you lovely children, Happy Child’s month and also Happy Children Lord’s Day.
This year, after a two year hiatus, in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis we have the pleasure and privilege to celebrate Child’s Month with you our beautiful children, under the theme “Recycle, Save the Earth for Our Children’s Future.”
This theme certainly places a great responsibility upon us all, to live our lives with the awareness that even after we are gone from the earth through death, our children and grand-children and the generations following will need to be able to live life comfortably on the earth we now inherit. This is only fair to our children knowing that we are the ones who brought them here and that we must not only enjoy the privilege of having them and celebrating them but also ensuring that they are able to enjoy life on earth the way we were able to due to the thoughtfulness and preparation made by our parents and those before them.
Additionally, Psalms 127:3 says, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” This means we must treasure our children as we treasure our most precious gifts. They are truly our gifts from God.
As part of the celebration of Child’s Month I wish to highlight the fact that as a church we celebrate today as Children Lord’s Day. One of the ways we celebrate them is to prepare a special Order of Service for them today. Children enjoy the service and be sure to go back home fully blessed and inspired to continue to serve God faithfully. This is your special day! This day is celebrated on the second Sunday in June annually.
In closing, however, I wish to remind all of you as children that life is short. This means, that even though we, adults may recycle to avoid unnecessary pollution of the earth and its atmosphere this is no guarantee that you would be here to inherit it. For death is no respecter of persons regardless of their age and their plans for the future.
Therefore, I encourage you to ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ and you would be assured of a mansion in heaven that Jesus has gone to prepare (John 14:1-3). For remember he is faithful to his promise and he will come back to take you to that mansion in heaven where you will live with him eternally. You can’t afford to lose out on something so great and awesome, eternal life. So give your life to Christ today if you have not done so before. That would be the wisest decision you would ever have made on this your special Day. Congratulations on your wisdom!
Love and best wishes to your wonderful family, from my family and myself.
Yours in Christ,
Tyrone Hunkins