LID District Theme: “Trusting God Through Difficult Times: Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities”
The Connexional Conference 2021 concluded Tuesday, 1 June. We say thanks to the LID Representatives, namely, Bishop Charles Seaton, Rev’d Morna Christmas-Frazer, Sisters Cheryl Hill-Bruney and Adosha Francis. We also say thanks to those of you who were able to participate in the public events and pray that you were blessed and inspired by them. We thank God for enabling the Conference to be held successfully and trust him for his guidance in executing the decisions taken to the benefit of the mission of our church.
VIRTUAL MARRIAGE RETREAT: Whether you are a married couple, unmarried couple or even single, this important Announcement is for you.
The Family-Life Committee of the Circuit Mission and Evangelism Committee invites you to join with other persons from our Circuit, Communities, District and even Connexion on Saturday, June 19, 2021, 8:45 am. - 12:00 Noon for our Inaugural Virtual Marriage Retreat under the Theme: Developing Relationships Even in the Midst Of Challenges. The Facilitators will be Pastor Dr. Analdo Bailey and his wife Mrs. Pansyna Bailey. You will be informed on topics such as: “Increasing Intimacy and Communication, Why you should marry instead” and “Resolving conflicts”. Of course, you will hear how to establish, develop and enhance relationships and also, how to keep the fires of passion ablaze.
This Retreat is planned with you in mind. Therefore, in order to be able to help everyone who may have a question, to ask that question and not be afraid, you are encouraged to submit your question(s) anonymously to the Family-Life Committee c/o Rev. Tyrone Hunkins or Sis. Corinne Small, Methodist Church Office, Seaton Street, Basseterre no later than Friday, 18th June, 2021 at 4;00 pm. The link for the Zoom Meeting will be given on time.
Please remember the date and plan to be part of the Retreat, God willing. Tell a friend and pass the word on. Share the link when you receive it. Thanks.
Celebrate as a MCCA Woman.
St. Kitts Circuit MCCA Women will hold their week of activities from 21st thru 27thJune,2021. Come let us fellowship together in these unusual times.
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd and Friday 25th: Delivery of Care Packages to MCCA Women Shut-in Members.
Nominating of a MCCA Woman who is a shut-in. Nominations should be submitted no later than Friday 11th June, 2021. Nominations should be given to any member of the Executive or can be dropped off at the Church Circuit Office at Wesley Methodist Church. Remember Woman per Congregation.
Thursday 24th at 6:00 p.m. at the Tabernacle Chapel. Pioneer MCCA Women Presentation and Discussion. Sisters from the Nevis and St. Kitts Circuit would come together virtually to be part of this exchange of knowledge and celebration of MCCA Women's First.
Congregations, especially MCCA Women, are encouraged to tune in to hear about the MCCA Women that paved the way.
The presentations would be Hybrid and transmitted virtually via Zoom and YouTube. More details will be given at a later date.
Saturday 26th at 6:00 a.m. at the Challengers Chapel – Zonal Morning of Prayer. Women Morning Prayer Session will be held at Zone One – Wesley Methodist Church, Zone Two – Challengers Methodist Church, and Zone Three - Emmanuel Methodist Church. More details to follow.
Sunday 27th MCCA Women Lord’s Day - Morning Congregational Services: MCCA Women are encouraged to wear to Church their MCCA Women's Vest and Hat or Hatinator/Fascinator.
Sunday 27th, 4:00 p.m. MCCA Women's Rally at Immanuel Methodist Church. Women are encouraged to wear white, their MCCA Women's Vest and Hat/Hatinator/Fascinator.
More details to follow.
Now that you know, save the dates and participate. Details will be communicated as the weeks go by.
COVID-19 protocols will be adhered to. Changes may occur to activity planning.
Please note that the Superintendent, Rev. Mark Christmas, has resumed his long leave, in part, 1 June – 1 August 2021. Rev. Telford Matthew will superintend in his absence.
Note also that the Circuit Deacon, Rev. Stacia Williams-Christmas, is on long leave, from 1 June-31 August 2021.
Members can continue to respond through monetary donations that can be made directly to the Church office or deposited at St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Ltd – Account Number 25986; Account Name: Methodist Church - St. Kitts Circuit. If deposited to the bank, please indicate same to the Office. Thank you for your generosity and ask that you continue to keep the Government and People of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in your prayers.
Please note that as of the first Sunday in, this Sunday June (6) 2021, the time of worship service at the Cayon congregation has been changed to 9:00 am from 11:00 am.
We extend birthday and anniversary greetings to all who are celebrating this week. We remind and encourage you to offer thanks to Almighty God for his goodness and mercy throughout the years of your life and that of your loved ones.
Condolences are extended to Rev. Damien Hughes on the death of his brother, Lucien McDaren Hughes James. The Thanksgiving Service for the life of the late Lucien McDaren Hughes James, will be held on Tuesday 15th June 2021 at the Wesley Methodist Church. Viewing 1:30pm to 2:25 PM the service starts at 2.30pm.
The Thanksgiving Service for the life of the late Rev. Selwyn Vanterpool, Supernumerary (LID, B.V.I) is being planned for Saturday, 12 June 2021. Further details will be given a subsequent announcement.
We pray that the peace of Christ will dwell with all who are mourning at this time.
The Circuit Office is open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily and can be reached via telephone numbers 465-2346/662-2885 or email, Tithes and offerings may also be received at the office during these hours. Contributions may also be made on-line, via the Circuit website,
The Harmony Christian Bookstore still has new books and journals, a wide variety of gift items to suit everyone on your list. Opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can call us at 466-1215. See you there.
Kindly note that the Service today, June 6, is being broadcast from the Wesley Methodist Church. Log on to the Methodist Radio Network - St. Kitts Circuit, available via the Circuit website,
The Methodist Radio Network (MRN) celebrated its 8th Anniversary of operations, 1 May, 2021.
The 'MRN' committee thanks you for your patience and understanding and looks forward to a return of our normal daily programming.
Persons desiring to volunteer at the Outreach Center, Irish Town Bay Road, can give their names to the Circuit Office.
Let us continue to be vigilant regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic.
That, on June 1, 2021 the Dr. Hubert Morqette was officially inducted as Connexional Vice President at the 40th MCCA Connexional Conference held May 24-June 1, 2021 and that this was the first Virtual Connexional Conference?
JUNE 2021
07 7:00 pm Circuit Local Preachers’ Meeting, St Johnston
13 Children Lord’s Day
17 5:00pm EMHJS Board Meeting, Wesley Church Hall
19 Marriage Retreat (Virtual)
20 End of Family Month/Father’s Day
Please note that notices for inclusion in the weekly “Notices, Reminders and Updates” are to be submitted by Thursday at 2 pm of each week via
Persons who desire to have the notices sent to them via email can subscribe via the Circuit website, The Notices can also be accessed via the website.
Old Testament: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13
Responsive Reading: Psalm 92 [VIP ]
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10(11-13), 14-17
The Gospel: Mark 4:26-34
for our Nation, its leaders and all its resources and plans, in thanksgiving to Almighty God for his continued protection of our people and country, especially at this time as we go through the COVID-19 Pandemic;
for the Government and People of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, especially at this time of increased volcanic activity and flooding (lahar);
for the Government of People of Anguilla as they continue to mourn the death of former Chief Minister, the Honourable Hubert Hughes;
for the Connexional, District and Circuit Officers, Ministers, Leaders and other members of our Church throughout the Caribbean and the Americas; Especially Dr. Hubert Morquette our newly inducted Connexional Vice President.
those who are hospitalized, including Sisters Delores Gumbs-Weekes and Agnes Morton (Wesley);
those who are sick, recuperating at home or otherwise being cared for; [including Sisters Dorette Butler, Desiree Thomas (Wesley), and Rita Hazel (St. Johnston),and Bro. Samuel Jones (St. Johnston), and Rev'd Rosalind Morgan of the Montserrat Circuit];
those at the Cardin Home: [including Brothers Eugene Huggins, Dudley Tyson, Derrick Marsham, Burnel Browne, Sisters Jane Hickson, Patricia Ottley, Joycelyn Woodley, Sharon Pemberton, Helen Aponte, Beverly Phillip, Evelyn Phillip, Lilian Jones, Jacqueline Browne, Mildred Browne, Yvonne Matthew, and Janet Maynard].
those in nursing homes: [including Sister Cynthia Webbe, Mary Caines, Mildred Bailey-Henville, Alix Pencheon, Esther Jeffers, Oretha Isaac, Stephanie Lawrence and Lorraine Ottley; Brothers Alfred Brandy, Calvin Taylor, Edmond Warner, Hugo Mullix and Alexis Knight];
those receiving medical attention overseas: [including Sister Caroline Caines); Bro Jadon Woodley (Immanuel]
those who are pursuing studies overseas and online;
those who are shut-in, those in need and those who are experiencing the harsh realities of life, but who have no experience of Christ.