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MCCA Men's Message


Dear Brothers,

I greet you in the name of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by wishing you a prosperous New Year 2021 and hope that you had a very joyous Christmas despite the intrusion of the corona virus. It is my wish and I believe the wish of all of us that this plague will leave our shores soonest so that we can realize some sense of normalcy in our daily lives.

We realize that as a result of the pandemic our business was halted and it is now time for us to continue with the help of the almighty, our mission in the master’s vineyard. I pray that we are all ready regardless of the circumstances to make sacrifices and continue the task ahead of us, remembering the sacrifice Christ made for us and also taking cognizance of the many persons who in faith fought against all odds to the glory of the Father, relying on his might and power to overcome the challenges that they faced. We are no different; all we need is to exercise more faith in the GOD that the three Hebrew Boys placed their trust to overcome any challenge we may face. So let us take heart and a page from their book defying all odds and do what is ahead of us. if we really have faith the size of a mustard seed as we profess, we will succeed.

My brothers, last year has gone. A new year is ahead of us; let us proceed with caution, yet with much aggression and complete what we have to do. We must under all circumstances finish the work on our handbook. I pray that by July this year (A Date to be determined) we would be able to congregate in our host country instead of a long distance / virtual meeting. I always enjoy the warmth in the greetings we share after not seeing each other for two years or more and the smiles expressing the genuineness of that feeling of brotherhood – nothing in my view could replace that; I truly long to see you all.

I therefore invite Circuits to send the names and contact information of the presidents and secretaries of their Circuits’ MCCA Men’s Commission to me as Vice-President of the Leeward Islands District MCCA Men’s Commission at and to Rev’d Jeanty Maurose, the Minister responsible for Work among Men at as early as possible in order to better plan the upcoming event.

At this juncture let me remind everyone as I did last year to have your reports ready; it would be nice we if we could look at both reports to determine how we are progressing yearly in our respective circuits; and having the reports ready will help to expedite matters. Please remember also to complete the registration forms and submit them at the earliest opportunity. It is my wish that every circuit in the district will be represented this time around.

On this Lord’s Day, it is my sincere wish that a considerable number of young men in their respective circuits seize the opportunity to deliver the message and that the presbyters in the circuit will encourage and prepare them towards the itinerant ministry or to become preachers. It was on such an occasion; that, in circuit, our brother Charles Phillip became a preacher after Rev’d Alberick Rohan heard him, encouraged and eventually persuaded him.

I look forward to new beginnings and burst of energy as we move forward and upward with the help of almighty GOD as we endeavour to do his will.

Yours in Christ’s Service,

Sydney Matthew

LID MCCA Men’s Commission - Vice-President.

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