Main Road, Challengers
EST. 1800s
Weekly Schedule
7:00 am - Worship Service
5:30 pm - Youth Fellowship
The Challengers Methodist Church is the successor to the historic Palmetto Point Chapel, which was erected in 1828 at Palmetto Point, Trinity Parish. Due mainly to migration, the Church was officially closed in 1950. Approximately around 1945, a portion of land was purchased from Stonefort Estate where, initially, a wooden School building was erected. The current Church Hall or Community Center replaced the wooden building. The current Chapel next door was completed and dedicated in 1961 with the roof being replaced on two occasions after the passage of hurricanes in 1989 and 1998.
Rev’d. Damien E. Hughes was a member in training (baptized) in this congregation.
Presbyter in Pastoral Charge – Rev’d Tyrone S.N. Hunkins
Contact Steward - Sis. Marcia Inniss