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Pastoral Letter - 2nd May 2021

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Peace of the Risen Christ be with you!

Here we are, in the month of May, celebrating another Month of Methodism/Methodist Heritage Month. Of course, although nowhere close to where we were a year ago, due to the global pandemic our celebrations this year will again have to be different. We note then, that the celebrations of Aldersgate Sunday (May 23) will take the form of Sunday morning services in all congregations instead of a Circuit Service. In the evening, a blended (in person/virtual) concert is being planned. Further details will be given.

Indeed, we are living in unusually challenging times, yet with many exciting opportunities. Reverend Dr. Wycherley Gumbs, of blessed memory, in his, “Methodism in the MCCA – Its Past, Present and Future”, draws our attention to “The Story of Three Ships” (88). He surmises that these ships represent three distinct phases in the emergence of the MCCA. The first ship represents the transportation of our African ancestors leading up to the Abolition of the Slave Trade (1807) and eventually Emancipation (1834). The second ship represents the MCCA from its inception in 1967 sailing the turbulent waters of the Caribbean, as symbolized on the Conference Crest. The third ship represents the MCCA at present, ‘sailing in uncharted waters and facing the innumerable hazards, to complete our unfinished task…’ Undaunted by the present circumstances, our heritage then tells us that we must always seek to re-imagine our work in the world in the light of the gospel.

May 1 marked the 8th Anniversary of the Methodist Radio Network (MRN). Although not fully operational, we are thankful to the Methodist Media Team who continue to ensure its operations. As they re-imagine the media ministry, we look forward to its full resumption, added features and possible extended hours.

Have a blessed week!

Your pastor and friend,

Mark S. Christmas

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