Dear Brothers and Sisters,
"Hosanna in the Highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
These are the words proclaimed by the people as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is the Sunday preceding Easter. When we reflect on the Holy City, Jerusalem and Jesus' entry, there is a symbolic imagery of the habitation of peace, possessing of peace, vision of peace and the abode of prosperity within us. We are called to recognize that there is an abiding consciousness of spiritual peace which is the result of continuous realizations of spiritual power tempered with spiritual poise and confidence.
As Jesus began his Jerusalem journey, Jerusalem can be for us the great nerve center just back of the heart. From this nerve center, the Spirit sends its radiance to all parts of the body. Jesus symbolizes the 'I AM' identity. The spiritual plane of mastery, purity and peace then becomes fully part of us. The I AM, as we "Keep A True Lent", takes charge of the body and a new order of things is inaugurated. Our look at the world and our spiritual consciousness is raised to a higher standard. Like the hosannas of the rejoicing multitude, the spreading of their garments and branches of trees before Jesus, represents joyful obedience and homage.
Today we become like them rejoicing in Him that raised Jesus from the dead and proclaim, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." During this Holy Week, let us participate in the nightly services and have our minds fixed on the journeying Jesus. May each of us be able to say at the end of this week, " I confirm that the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus dwells in us."
Have a peaceful Palm Sunday, a transformed Holy Week and a Blessed Easter.
Rev. Stacia