Greetings to you my dear sisters and brothers. Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
I take delight in sharing with you some further thoughts on Missions and Stewardship. Let us consider two important questions.
First, can people rob God? Yes, we do when we fail to pay our tithes and offerings. Hear the Word of God to His people Israel: “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing” (Mal. 3: 10). Israel was warned to stop ''robbing'' God by withholding His tithes and offerings. It was only God's unchanging nature that kept Israel from destruction.
At the same time, God will remember those who have been faithful during these faithless times.
God will fulfill His promise, by rewarding the faithfulness of His people by opening the windows of heaven for them and pouring “down an overflowing blessing.”
Are you robbing God? Are you withholding your tithes and offerings from God? If you have been guilty of robbing God, repent and seek God’s forgiveness. Then, come into God’s house with your tithes and offerings and see (the promise) if He will not open the windows of heaven and “pour down an overflowing blessing” for you.
Second, there is the question of talents and gifts. Let us differentiate between talents and gifts. A talent is something that already comes in your genetics or from a training on something. A spiritual gift on the other hand, is the result of the power of the Holy Spirit, acting through you. So your talent may be singing, or playing a musical instrument. While your Spiritual gift might be teaching, preaching, prayer, discernment, faith, etc. The point of the matter is that whether you possess a talent or gift, what you have must be used for the honor and glory of God and the blessing of His people, and not for “showing off” yourself.
God has blessed us marvelously with talents, gifts and graces. Let us, in loving gratitude for His goodness and loving kindness towards us, live to His honor and glory and be a blessing to our brothers and sisters.
God bless you wonderfully.
Yours In The Master’s Business,
Telford D. Matthew (Rev.)