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Pastoral Letter - 20th February, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

For some strange reason I feel that I should direct my thoughts today towards children and youth and their response to the coronavirus Covid19 Pandemic.

The question that is uppermost in my mind is 'How has the pandemic affected you as a child or a youth?' It would be so very wonderful to hear your response to this question. We know that it has affected adults in certain ways, for example, some have lost their jobs, especially those who depend on tourism for their jobs such as taxi drivers, hotel workers and those offering services directly to tourists like braiding their hair and other such services. This may affect you indirectly to some degree but how are you responding to this and some even more direct effect of the pandemic on your development as a child or youth?

When you hear the word pandemic what does it do to you? Does it make you happy or sad? Perhaps it is a mixture of both depending on your perspective or your goal in life. It may make you to be home from school when there is a lock down. You may view it as a welcome break from a teacher you do not really like but have you thought of how absence may affect you in terms of your overall education? If you are someone who is being bullied in school a lock down may have been a break away from those who bully you.

There are those of you who may be sad at the mention of the word ‘pandemic’ because for you it means more time at home in a situation where you may either have to witness one of your siblings or one of your parents being abused by the other, or you yourself may have become the victim of abuse and are therefore crying out for help. Has the pandemic affected your ability to play and socialize the way you have been accustomed to?

Remember, the coronavirus may have affected you or may be affecting you in ways in which may not even be able to express or comprehend. I, therefore ask you to reach out to God who is the answer to every prayer. Make use of the opportunities you have to enhance your education. Seek advice as to the career you chose and why. Endeavour to prepare yourself as best as you can especially for any adverse way in which you may be impacted by the current pandemic. In your uncertainty, “5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." ( Proverbs 3:5-6).

Love and best wishes to your wonderful family, from my family and myself.

Yours in Christ

Tyrone Hunkins

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