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Pastoral Letter - 15th February, 2023

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Peace of the Lord be with you!

This Sunday brings us to the end of the “season of light”. Ash Wednesday begins the Penitential Season (Lent) and the “season of life”. During the “season of light”, we had opportunities to explore who we are as disciples. We, the baptized of Christ, were called from darkness into God’s marvelous light to be lights and salt. During the “season of life” we will have opportunities to explore what disciples are called to do.

Today, we have opportunity to catch a glimpse into what it means to be “changed from glory into glory” as we contemplate our “transfigured” Lord. Yet, when we examine our lives, it does not seem that we have changed or are changing in our walk with God in Christ, at least not fast enough. The saying seems to ring true that ‘the more things change, the more they remain the same’. Rest assured that while the Transfiguration occurred it is a growing experience for the disciples of Christ. In one sense, we too have been changed, and in another sense, we are being changed. Chris Tiegreen, in his “One Year Walk With God Devotional” tells us that in practice we linger somewhere between corruption and holiness, old and new, death and life, and Spirit and flesh. So, be patient! Continue to exercise belief in him who is Light and Life.

Have a “transfiguring” week!

Your pastor and friend,

Mark S. Christmas

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